Do-It-Yourself Assorted Legal Forms
If you are entering into
any agreement, it is important to protect yourself - get it in writing! This kit contains
an assortment of the most commonly requested legal forms in one convenient package, and
they are valid in all states. Why run up expensive legal bills when the forms in this kit
can take care of the job?
Assorted Legal Forms Kit
This kit contains an assortment of the most commonly requested legal forms. Protect
yourself - if you are entering into any type of legal arrangement, reduce it to writing to
avoid questions later!
Use The Forms As They Are...
Simply take the form you wish to use, fill in the blanks and sign! It's that simple. You
can even mix and match forms! For example - if you prepare a promissory note, you may wish
to add the notary affidavit allowing you to have the entire document notarized. Or add the
notary affidavit to the lease agreement. It's up to you!
...Or Customize The Forms For Your
You can take the information and language from different forms and easily create your own
custom document!
Preprinted Legal Forms Included In This
Affidavit - Notice to Terminate - Tenancy Bill of Sale Real Estate Purchase Agreement -
Contract - Power of Attorney Lease of Personal Property - Promissory Note - Lease,
Self-Renewing Quit Claim Deed - Living Will - Sales Rep Agreement Notary Affidavit -
Notice to Pay Rent or Quit - Simple Will Witness Affidavit - and Many More!